Autobuild Documentation for Pull Requests

Read the Docs allows autobuilding documentation for pull/merge requests for GitHub or GitLab projects. This feature is currently available under a Feature Flag. So, you can enable this feature by sending us an email including your project URL.


  • Build on Pull/Merge Request Event: We create an external version and trigger a build for that version when we receive pull/merge request open event from the webhook. We also trigger a new build when a new commit has been pushed to the Pull/Merge Request.
  • Warning Banner for Pull/Merge Request Documentation: While building documentation for pull/merge requests we add a warning banner at the top of those documentations to let the users know that this documentation was generated from pull/merge requests and is not the main documentation for the project.
  • Send Build Status Notification: We send build status reports to the status API of the provider (e.g. GitHub, GitLab). When a build is triggered for a pull/merge request we send build pending notification with the build URL and after the build has finished we send success notification if the build succeeded without any error or failure notification if the build failed.
GitHub Build Status Reporting for Pull Requests.

GitHub Build Status Reporting for Pull Requests


After the feature is enabled on your project, you might hit one of these issues:

  1. Pull Requests builds are not triggering. We only support GitHub and GitLab currently. You need to make sure that you Read the Docs account is connected with that providers social account. You can check this by going to your profile settings.
  2. Build status is not being reported on your Pull/Merge Request. You need to make sure your webhook is properly setup to handle events. You can setup or re-sync the webhook from your projects admin dashboard. Learn more about setting up webhooks from our Webhook Documentation.

If you have tried all the above troubleshooting and still getting issues, please let us know by sending us an email.